And what has a mailman to do with it all??

By Timo Beerman, Kröller-Muller visitor - Theme - 12 February 2025

To round of the theme of this semester: the science of love, the love of science, the love of love and the science of science, etc., the Intermania themselves have subjected themselves to a foolproof method to find their love for each other; the committee went on a treasure hunt to find love-related art pieces in the Kröller-Muller museum. Need I say more?

Christmas Love Formulae (and how to break them)

By Maarten van Sluijs - Theme - 18 December 2024

It's that time of year again. Yes, it’s (nearly) Christmas and that means only one thing: a Christmas related Intermania article by Maarten! The previous one (two years ago) was about music, this time it’s about Christmas movies and their love themes. Join him on an exploration of the typical tropes, and how to break them!

Heartbreak High = Heartbreak Bye

By Big D! - Theme - 25 November 2024

Oi, mate! Going through a heartbreak? Might I suggest you start watching Heartbreak High?

The lovely new theme of the Intermania

By Timo Beerman - Theme - 8 October 2024

During the summer holidays, the Intermania editorial staff, popular as ever, has gotten many reader contributions. Ranging from fanfiction, PhD theses (why though??), conspiracy theories, and way more. However, one mail we got was something we thought we should share with you, our trusty audience.

Time travel 101

By Maarten van Sluijs - Theme - 4 October 2023

As much as we try to do things right, making mistakes is inevitable in life, and while we try not to, it is hard to live without regrets. So, what if you could go back in time and stop yourself from doing that one stupid thing, or maybe more interestingly, do things you otherwise wouldn’t have. Time travel is a concept that while probably impossible, has enamored mankind for millennia. In our modern-day culture, it is quite a common appearance in the media. Of course, movies like “Back to the Future” spring to mind, but also in music like “Tijdmachine” by Dio, and books like the “Harry Potter” series. To help my fellow Intermaatjes I’ve decided to take a deep dive into the concept of time travel and share with you some of my results, so that hopefully in the future you might come back and live regret free. So welcome all, class of 2023, to Time Travel 101.

What will food be like in the future?

By Jasmijn Brouwer - Theme - 19 September 2023

To end the success of our last semester's theme 'Of the map', Intermania went to Antwerp. Of course, this trip did not only include drinking Belgian beers but also included an informative trip to the MAS. This museum had an exhibition called 'A la carte', which fits the 'of the map' theme perfectly. This article is based on that exhibition and focuses on the future of food. Will we go back to the old ways or innovate to a new normal? Let's include this semester's theme as well and go 'back to the future'!

Off the map with the Intermania

By Intermania - Theme - 21 June 2023

Once everyone is finished with their exams, we can do whatever we want during the summer. The members of the Intermania will tell you a little bit about the places they are visiting this summer and why you should visit them too. There is something for everyone, as we have highlights for people that want to go to Europe, people who enjoy traveling further than Europe, and people who wish to stay in the Netherlands.

Why the heck did I go to Iceland?

By Lotte van Dijck - Theme - 5 June 2023

Lotte went to Iceland for her international semester and is now reflecting on why she choose to go there and how her exchange was. While the courses were nice she will not go into detail about that in this article because that is something that we all know.

“The closer to the crotch, the dearer to the heart”

By Rens Vogels - Theme - 22 May 2023

Rens has been spending the past few months in Stockholm and in this article, he shares something about a peculiar Swedish tradition.

Intermania food crawl

By Morris Boers - Theme - 26 April 2023

On Sunday the 2nd of April, the intermania went on a tour around the world. To get to know each country a little bit better, we ordered their local dishes and beverages to get a taste of the culture. To give you, our lovely reader, a little taste of our journey, we wrote this article to give you the highlights of each country together with a detailed food review. Bon appetit!

Cocktails and drinks all over the world

By Timo Beerman - Theme - 13 February 2023

In this article, Timo will take you all around the world in the best way possible; with drinks! Enjoy exploring different cultures and places around the globe, while also learning some new cocktails to impress your friends.

The Evolution of Christmas music

By Maarten van Sluijs - Theme - 19 December 2022

In this article, Maarten will guide you trough the interesting history of Christmas music and point out some personal favourites.

Expedition Weather Sounds with Intermania

By Editors of Intermania - Theme - 12 December 2022

With each theme the Intermania tries to look into an activity that matches it. This time we went to a classical concert in the Concert Gebouw in Eindhoven. Let us tell you about our experience

Creating new Intermate hit songs using AI

By Morris Boers - Theme - 7 November 2022

Within intermate there exists a very specific and sometimes strange culture. Together with this culture also a very specific sub genre of music is intertwined. For an outsider it is hard to grasp why this music is so popular within Intermate and it is even harder to find new music that could fit within this genre. That's why Morris went researching whether an AI algorithm could capture this music genre and create new Intermate hit songs.

Schurend Paradijs – The Intermania visited a museum

By Intermania - Theme - 29 June 2022

In this last article of the year? , the Intermania will close off their art theme with a review of the art exhibition that they visited a few weeks ago: Schurend Paradijs (abrasive paradise).


By - - Theme - 14 June 2022

Mijn vader was degene die mij kunst al van kleins af aan bijbracht. Hij was zelf ook wel een kunstenaar: hij speelde in tientallen bandjes, componeerde zijn eigen muziek, schilderde, en schreef liedjes & gedichtjes. Zijn gedichtjes hadden iets speciaals: een twist op het einde. Iets onverwachts waar je van moest lachen of waar je raar van opkeek. Net als voor mijn vader, staat kunst dichtbij me. Voor deze keer, kies ik gedichtjes. Hier zijn 3 gedichtjes met mijn vader als inspiratiebron, waarvan ik hoop dat je moet lachen, je raar op kijkt of je gewoonweg blij wordt. Want dat werd ik van de zijne.

Voor iedereen die moderne kunst niet begrijpt

By Marijke Remmers - Theme - 26 April 2022

Aangezien wij als onnozele TU studenten toch vaak de fijnere kunsten wat moeilijker kunnen begrijpen heeft onze podcast host Wouter zijn huisgenote gevraagd om ons te onderwijzen, want zij studeert aan de design academy in Eindhoven. Verder heeft ze in Eindhoven haar huisgenoten maar al te vaak kunst moeten uitleggen, en dat doet ze net zo graag voor ons in dit artikel

The Curious Case of Art During the Second World War.

By Lotte van Dijck - Theme - 23 February 2022

To kick off the new theme ART two old articles were combined and show how obsessed Nazi Germany was with art and how a Dutch con artist forged a Vermeer and sold it to the Germans

How to : adten van een biertje

By Ruben Dragt - Theme - 26 December 2021

Tegenwoordig is het niet meer belangrijk hoe gezellig je bent, dat je er goed uit ziet, of dat je een leuke openingszin hebt. Hedendaags is het enige wat je nodig hebt, om een goede indruk achter te laten bij mensen een snelle adt van een biertje.

How to make pasta pesto

By Lotte van Dijck - Theme - 15 November 2021

Pasta pesto is a classic student dish. If you have not made it are you even a student? In this article, I will show you three kinds of pasta pesto, from the classic student one to a more sophisticated one and then one that will come as close as possible to the real Italian deal.

Intermate is the study association of the bachelor Technical Innovation Sciences, the majors Sustainable Innovation and Psychology & Technology and the masters Human Technology Interaction and Innovation Sciences.


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