An Ode to an Association

By Maarten van Sluijs - People of Intermate - 19 November 2024

Last week, Intermate celebrated its 41st birthday. To honour this milestone, our current Chairman, Maarten, raises a toast, reflecting on the essence and purpose of our beloved association.

The Boers Pamphlet: Unravelling the BOTC conspiracy

By Morris Boers - People of Intermate - 26 March 2024

On the 28th of February, the most important battle of the year took place. A fight in which our association separates the wheat from the chaff and where only the strongest committees survive: the BOTC. InterTEAM won this year?!?! How is this possible? Unfair play? a big conspiracy? Detective Boers is on the case and will unravel this mystery.

ITEM goes abroad!

By Alain Starke & Mats de Ronde - People of Intermate - 22 March 2023

Two former intermate members, Alain Starke, and Mats de Ronde, tell about their international study and working experiences. Both are part of ITEM, the alumni association of all innovation science studies.

Intermate Sinterklaas puzzel

By Morris Boers - People of Intermate - 5 December 2022

Het is pakjesavond! Dus tijd voor een leuke intermate sinterklaas puzzel.

Student music, why do we even like it?

By van Ardennen & Verbruggen - People of Intermate - 2 November 2022

Julia and Michelle go on a scientific journey to answer the question in the title. Besides the necessary literature review they also went into the field to collect and experience student music for themselves. Together with in 't Audt they went to the breeding ground of popular dutch student music; 'Vo met een harde V'. Interested in their research? Read the article!

The songs you must know as a new Intermate member!

By Jarno Soós - People of Intermate - 10 October 2022

So, you are new to Intermate? Welcome! Intermate is currently almost 39 years old, so I expect we are a little bit older than you are. This means, we already have a lot of traditions; you might know the TostCie Tuesdays or the Fussball table. However, we are also very musical. So, to prepare you on an amazing student time at Intermate, this article will introduce you to all the must-know songs of Intermate!

Meet the Intermania committee

By Morris Boers - People of Intermate - 7 September 2022

Hi fellow Intermates! We are the Intermania, Intermate’s best and only association magazine. We will post an article every Wednesday of the week. To kick off we would like to introduce the hardworking group of Intermates that make the Intermania possible.

Tattoos of intermate

By Babette Rijpkema - People of Intermate - 11 May 2022

Tattoos, het is een onderwerp met veel verschillende meningen. De een vindt het prachtig, de ander afschuwelijk. Het gaat vaak zo ver dat familieleden, of vrienden, bijna een inspraak hebben op of jij een tattoo mag zetten of niet. Als zij het niet goedkeuren, dan zijn mensen sneller geneigd om het niet te doen. Daarnaast wordt het bij verschillende werkplekken niet geaccepteerd, waardoor je een kleinere kans hebt om een baan te vinden. Toch worden tatoeages steeds populairder, en wordt het langzamerhand steeds meer geaccepteerd. Tegenwoordig hebben 35% van de Nederlanders (18+) een tatoeage, in de leeftijdscategorie van 18 t/m 34 is dat zelfs 50%. Daarom vroeg de Intermania zich af hoe het zat met de Intermateleden. Acht Intermaten zijn geïnterviewd en hebben hun verhaal gedeeld betreffende hun eigen tattoo(s).

Fun in the snow with Intermate!

By Intermate members - People of Intermate - 15 February 2021

Nobody could have missed it: since last week, the Netherlands is covered in snow! A big stress relieve for many people in this difficult time. What did the people of Intermate do in these cold weathers? Read about it here!

Intermate is the study association of the bachelor Technical Innovation Sciences, the majors Sustainable Innovation and Psychology & Technology and the masters Human Technology Interaction and Innovation Sciences.


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