Het Perfecte Plaatje: the jury's highlights- Round 3!

By KiekCie - 19 May 2021

The first picture we want to share stands out due to some interesting edit choices that caused quite some debate amongst the judges. This is because the sharpness of the pictures is amplified to such a degree that it no longer looks natural, and in most cases that really lowers the picture quality. However, our final judgement not only put it through to the next round, but even landed it in the highlights. Due to the atmosphere editing that was done as part of the challenge that sharpness became an asset to the picture, it makes it look like two snapshots of an apocalyptic videogame. 

The second picture that stood out to us is this serene landscape that shows the major influence that colour has on a picture. The edits are also very cleanly executed as it is hard to tell which picture is closer to the original.

The last picture that deserves some extra attention is the very embodiment of this challenge. It truly shows how much can be achieved by editing your picture the right way. Separately these pictures are very beautiful, they each can stand on their own as well as together.

Not only do they look beautiful on their own, but together the two photographs feel like a winter evening opposed to a spring morning which enhances the strength of each picture even more.


Intermate is the study association of the bachelor Technical Innovation Sciences, the majors Sustainable Innovation and Psychology & Technology and the masters Human Technology Interaction and Innovation Sciences.


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