Intermania rates: Battle of the year committees (Art edition)

By Morris Boers - 7 April 2022

For this special edition of INTERMANIA RATES we asked the three year committees: the sjaarscie, twaarscie and driecie to make a meaningful artistic picture. We sent these three committees out into the world with a camera and their own creative brains to make the next artistic masterpiece. We asked our own inhouse professional art connoisseurs Marjolein van der Heijden and Lotte to rate and critique the pictures and see which committee has the most creative potential. Welcome to INTERMANIA RATES: battle of the year committees (Art Edition)

*Disclaimer: Both art connoisseurs did not know which picture belonged to which committee so no corruption or bribes were possible.


Meaning behind the picture (in Dutch):

Voor koffie heb je pads maar wat dan voor thee? Een thee kan ook wel behoeften hebben aan een pet. Koffie en pad gaat samen als ijsjes op een warme zomer dag. Iedereen had thuis wel een senseo apparaat waar je een pad in moest gooien voor een heerlijk kopje zwart goud. Maar nu zijn we ons boekje helemaal te buiten gegaan, een pet voor thee. Dit alles doen we onder een slogan: "Thee kan ook zin hebben in een pet." Er zit ook nog een hele gezonde boodschap aan. Als het warm weer is en je zet een pet op is het goed voor je lichaam om warme thee te drinken. Dus thee en petten zijn een gezonde en coole combo. Dus de volgende keer dat je naar het terras gaat bestel dan is een lekkere verse munt thee en zet je coole pet op. Thee en pet gaan na deze revolutionaire dag ook samen niet als ijsjes op een warme dag maar als thee op een warme dag. 

Interpretation and critique from Marjolein and Lotte: 

The essence/view of the picture is not immediately clear, which draws you in further to explore what you see. Once this closer look is taken a very ugly teapot is spotted in the same ugly flower print as the cap, of which it is not clear what it says. Although some people might see this as a mystery they would like to solve, we as art connoisseurs in spe, do not have this feeling, and think that there is nothing original in the picture. The background is not even touched up in photoshop and the bad window cleaning is very present in the picture and distracts from the overall composition. Talking about the composition even a toddler with its mom's phone would be able to take a more creative perspective.

Not to shame the person owning the hat, but how could you buy such a monstrosity, and even dared to display it like it is art. With its over the top “Bloemetjesgordijn'' print, even if you like the carnaval song, this would not be something someone would put on its head voluntarily. Let alone pay for it!

The best thing about this photo is the background, which is a lovely view of the campus of the TU/e


Meaning behind the picture: 

Alles draait om tijd, en nu is het tijd voor wijn

Interpretation and critique from Marjolein and Lotte: 

The first thought that we had for this photo: “The fact that you pose in front of a museum does not mean it is art”. Still a lot of effort was taken to do this photo which is much appreciated. Why wine was chosen as a prop for the photo still remains a bit of a mystery for us both. However, maybe the Sjaarsjes would like to show off their appreciation for the art of drinking which they are slowly (or more quickly than their parents would like) being introduced to. Still the beverage of choice of students (especially those of Intermate) is beer, which is not the case in this picture. Nonetheless, the ingenuity (or not, because this method is also used in the AfterIntro) of using wine …..

Enough about booze, even though this seems to be the Sjaarsjes drug of choice let us get into some more serious business, namely the composition. On which clearly some thinking was done, symmetry was clearly the goal of the picture. However, the symmetry was not executed to perfection, which bothers slightly autistic TU/e students (like us) a bit. Nonetheless the angle does show one of (if not the) most famous museums of Eindhoven. Much appreciation and praise is therefore awarded for choosing such a famous site in Eindhoven.

The perspective of the picture also shows how these lovely Sjaarsen still have room to grow and will grow in the coming years into beautiful adults contributing to society, and the bright blue sky shows this formidable future.


Meaning behind the picture: 

Tijdens het studentenleven sta je voor veel uitdagingen; wel of niet uitgaan na de borrel, vroeg in de ochtend op campus zijn of toch de trap nemen naar Atlas 8. Daarnaast moet je ook nog je draai kunnen vinden in wie je bent en waar je voor staat, maar diep ons hart weten dat we allemaal echt onszelf zijn bij de cantus van de TwaarsCie

Interpretation and critique from Marjolein and Lotte: 

This picture was the hardest to interpret for us both. What is the story behind this picture, is the person going to school or just doubting to go in, questioning their life choices. However much appreciation is given by us for the deliberate (we hope) continuation of the rainbow in the coat of the person standing on top of the stairs. Showing that the TU/e should do more for its LGBTQI+ community, we do miss a pop of red however.

Good use was made of the sun and the timing in which the picture was taken. Giving some enticing shadows on the stairs. These shadows also create a story of the person walking the stairs, which represent your study journey during Covid times. First starting in the light, because you are about to start the best years of your life (or so they say). After which a pandemic occurs, creating darkness, since you are not able to do all the things you imagined. And eventually surviving and climbing up to the present where you can do everything you set your mind to in the beginning of your studies.

Still we are wondering whether or not the person on the stairs is posing or not, if so it would take away some of the spontaneity of the picture.

However, the composition kind of makes up for it, the lines of the stairs take your eyes up and take them on a journey towards the mysterious person in the orange coat. Creating some tension within the picture itself

Overall this picture speaks to us the most due to its enticing composition and the story we saw behind it.

Do you want your photos to be rated, all of the ex Intermania chairs are available to do so, whether or not you will like this comment is not up to us.


Intermate is the study association of the bachelor Technical Innovation Sciences, the majors Sustainable Innovation and Psychology & Technology and the masters Human Technology Interaction and Innovation Sciences.


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